The type of burning you speak of reminds me of leaving my body in my NDE... I experienced all of the inner darkness inside of me falling off in chunks as I went to the light... I know you respect the earth much more than myself... I understand your seeing death as a cleansing experience... I see this as the ying and yang of give and take but I watched the earth transform into a world where there was no death or dying... a light moved across the whole planet... like the wildfire you referenced...the whole earth is consumed and every darkness in every it plant...animal...or element.. is fundamentally changed to a lighter version of itself... I know it may look gruesome to
the observer but souls made of light are the seeds for this new world. The difference being for plants in my perceptions is that there are only seasons of harvest for the fruit of every plant. Plants will give their fruit but their giving will not cause their demise. Plants with no fruit will not be desired as food. Animals will not be desirable for food either.
Dying and killing is fascinating and this is why we fall. There are many lessons to learn from dying and killing but I hope to not return again to this world until the world has had its fill of death and dying and moves on to the next age...shedding what was dead like a snake who remembers his former skin rather than the plant or animal who only remembers its primal need to consume and to fear being consumed...the new earth will be a brighter and more lovely version of itself.