Liver flush abuse
Hi all,
I'm looking for an answer from doctors who have body knowledge and an idea of what the
Liver Flush does to our liver. Read below to understand.
4 months ago, my wife and I started an intensive liver flush, meaning that every 2 weeks we decided to flush our liver following the very same procedure given by
Andreas Moritz in his book. We definitely flush hundreds of stones, mostly every time. Stones of different sizes, mainly green color.
From that point, I personally got rid of the pain I had in or around my gallbladder. And my 6mm gallbladder polypus have been reduced down to 3mm according to some sonographer or even down to nothing according to others. So I was very glad about the process and its success.
However, intensive flush with only 2 week interval between flush seem to have taken a deep load on the liver (I assume) and both my wife and I have been loosing our hair since then. Our diet is pretty healthy (fruits, vegetable) with vegetarian meals for me, and only a little meat for my wife. A long time ago, we stopped all junk foods and drinks. We run on pure water (plastic bottled one though)... well I did drank too much alcohol at 2 occasions during these 2 months as we celebrated few things, but my wife never drinks.
My assumption is that something has gone wrong in our bloodstream during that flushing period and provoke this hair loss. Anybody already encountered this side effect ?
I can only think of the
Liver Flush as the cause of the hair loss, since nothing else changed much in our life for the past 4 years (hard working and stressed). Although my wife started to take it more easy the past few months, she is also loosing even more hair than me.
I hope somebody can help with an explanation and maybe remedies. Thank you for this forum, it is great way to discuss all this kinds of 'esoteric' stuff that usually people think you've gone crazy when you talk about them.