Re: Two months in and feeling worse
Sounds like you might just have the wrong supplements. Maybe you could try Isocort, which can be very helpful for low cortisol. I think it's best to trust the saliva test. I am not aware of the company, or lab where you got your test, so I can't speak for them. If you want to try another, check out Diagnos-techs. The symptoms for low cortisol for many, including myself, feel like too much adrenaline. maybe that's why you think it's too high. I thought the same until I got tested. Are you getting enough vitamin c and vitamin b? I see you are on Dr. Wilson's, so maybe those are in there. Those are both very good for the adrenals.
You might consider taking dhea, if it was low also, good luck, d
p.s. i read in a recent post or two on this forum, that taking stuff for the thyroid, can make you feel lousy if the adrenals have not been taken care of first. check out the thread form three days ago started by active1.