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Creating belief.
Savagegrace Views: 1,779
Published: 17 y
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Creating belief.

When one sees "The Secret" and ponders about manifestation or uses positive affirmations or says prayers or uses energetic medicine.

It can be construed you are asking directly or indirectly for the "Universe" to intervene or manifest.

Some believe you must have "faith" for this to work, others don't think it's possible.

From my own personal experience you merely need to be "open" to the "concept" that you will be given either what you need or what you ask for.

There are quite a few variations on what people "think" is the best way to do this.

The problem you will run into is tradition or voodoo.

There is no difference by the way.

As you go along with your 3 raisins, it becomes rote or formal.

You have in fact, built a temple.

You've "lost" the concept of "creating".

Hummm, not the best way of explaining it.

Okay, lets try it a different way.

Lets say you get healthy, do you say thanks to the raisins or the universe or yourself?


Get my drift?

To Your Great Health,




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