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Re: UT for Eczema?
789superman Views: 7,878
Published: 20 y
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Re: UT for Eczema?

Hey there. Have you tried it yet?

I just restarted mine. I might actually do a short fast. The cleaner your intake of food and drink, the easier your UT consumption is. Don't be fearful. Start really slow. The easiest obviously, is putting it on your body and then showering it off not too much later. But when it is time to start consuming it (in other words, healing rapidly) just put in two drops from a dropper under your tongue. You won't taste a thing, you'll get some benefit, and you'll get used to it. If it the thought of it is still gross to you: a) you still don't know enough about it to get out of your old-school mentality, and b) read YOUR OWN PERFECT MEDICINE, the chapter on homeopathic UT. Its just basically water (well, thats not true, but its hard for me to explain it)

But its time to get started. Suffering is not natural. Time to end it. Time to live up to your bodies potential. You can do it!


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