I just thought I would tell my experience with drinking stinky urine... It saved ny life!! I think that urine hold all that we need to heal, sometimes it is bitter medicine, sometimes sweet! If you are editing your intake you may be missing out on some important stuff. The link below is my UT story. I would not be here today had I not drunk the very nasty urine I had from a severe kidney infection, which looked like milk with bits of blood and meaty bits in it, and smelt even worse.
I am not saying I am right for sure about this, but my experience is that stinky or sweet, it works!
A lot of indian literature recommends drinking of urine when a person is very sick, almost invariably in these situations the urine is pungent and unpeasant smelling/tasting. I have never read in Indian literature that selection of "nice" urine should be made. Hope this helps, and doesn't confuse!! :)