Casting orgonite(???????) Or trying to!
Ok, no shavings have showed up, so I'm going to try the scrap yard today, so much for students. She may still come through, which would be wonderful. But not today. In the mean time, I tried chopping steel wool, which got a lot of steel wool splinters stuck in my fingers which I've been pulling out with jewelers plyers.
I have created something I'm thinking about trying to cast in layers, which hubbie says won't work. The more you chop up steel wool, the more the stuff sticks together. So I have what looks like greyish mashed potatoes with copper chore boys shreds stuck together.
It's raining again today, not going to try casting. Has anyone tried casting in layers? (Let one layer dry, then cast another layer on top of it?)
Hubbie, who has worked a lot with resin, doesn't think scrap with oil will cast correctly, because the oil will prevent the resin from curing, so I don't know if stuff I get from a scrapper will work, or if it's cleanable.
Does anyone know how to get oil out of metal shavings, or if resin will work if the shavings are oily? Has anyone made towerbusters with oily metal shavings?
What I want to do if try to make towerbusters that are pretty cheap, fairly easy to do, without wasting tons of resin experimenting. I've about run the local stores out of chore boys as it is, I've obviously got to find more sources. I've found the local scrap yard, and I'm trying to figure out how to approach them, this is a small town in the bible belt south, and if they don't know you, and you put a foot wrong, doors get permanently and completely shut.
I am hoping they might turn out to be customers, or that I can blame it on my jewelry business. (Got this wierd customer from New York that wants to pay us to do this strange thing.)
How did it go, Gunnerat?