But since I am in a talkative mood :)
From biofeedback and my history, remove the Mercury and you get rid of the Adrenal issues. It also appears as if glandulars help (getting harder to find) and Maca of all things and Hawthorn to some extend (always part of TCM Adrenal remedies).
Another one to throw in is that biofeedback ALWAYS finds a small Adrenal tumor just after a long period of chelation. I believe HC had her say on that the Adrenal tissue is like a sponge for Mercury and its pollutants while Gerson points to a mix of potassium and Iodine deficiency as being a major culprit ( SSKI anyone?).
Small temporary hiccups can be overcome by a mix of salt:potassium and vitc, from HC latest book the ratio is 2:1 in favor of salt.