Only vitamin C and baking soda seem to interfere with MMS. There should be no problem with iodine. I stopped Iodine while I was being aggressive with MMS. They are both oxidants. I think that is too much for the body. Do one or the other, depending upon your ultimate goal. At least one CZ member has declared Iodine an antioxidant, which I think is only true in some uses within the body. Never the less, it is good to use it at a different time than MMS.
If you use your herbs and progesterone at least a half hour before MMS, there should be no problem. Most foods are digested from the stomach within that time. Jim Humble even says it is no problem to have food at the same time as MMS. So much confusion. It was my belief that MMS would get a head start and be more effective with an empty stomach and only water as a buffer (instead of juice).