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but what if parasites are a physical form of demons, just a thought

i'm in total agreement
especially after reading parasite Rex and learning how parasites control their hosts

regarding the kundalini allowing parasites to travel up the spine...
there may be something to this too
and it would be a good thing, imho, for them to reach the crown chakra, get burned in the fire of tranformational oblivion, so they can never harm anyone again

i have been awakened by the sensation of something moving in my head on three occasions, the last time it was followed by a memory lapse and a mini-seizure of my hand

two people suggested it might be the kundalini arising, and one gave me a list of things to do to insure the kundalini can arise unimpeded

getting "proper" medical care was on the list, so i made an appointment for a brain scan, shortly thereafter, i learned about boswellia serrata, and began taking it

the brain skan was on July 3 and I've heard nothing from the doctor, can only presume that no news is good news

meanwhile, i have felt the sensation of something moving in my crown chakra twice during waking state, both times on top of my head not inside, which seems like major progress to me

the lord says to fear nothing
love yoga, have no fear



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