This is how the mind of a sociopath works! They really believe they are somehow mentally superior and when they attempt to deceive and they come up with a bone head ideas like thinking that they can post with many user numbers they really believe no one will catch on ! Its then really unsettling to them when they find out that most people are much more intelligent then they are!
This is very similar to the junk Science that the pharmaceutical industry uses! It assumes that the majority of people are stupid and will fail to see the flaws in thier junk science, like the herd immunity equation! This is typical junk Science that uses Science to come up with a preconceived answer that fits the desired results,eliminating all other factors except those that give them want they want to hear or want us to believe!
The herd immunity equation was designed to acquire the support of uninformed politicians too stupid to question the flaws in this equation, but after all they are politicians ,they have no use for intelligence!