Re: Autism - In the Genes not in vaccines
oregon PA student,
"Thimerosal (mercury) has been removed from 95% of all vaccines since 1999."
This is not true.
"Even so, we can eat a can of tuna a week and still be safe from mercury poisoning. So the thimerosol in the flu shot is a trivial and non-toxic amount."
"Vaccines in general are very, very safe—far safer than the diseases they prevent us from catching, but a few people do have very serious complications from vaccination. "
Vaccines ensure disease.
"Regarding the recent monetary award that was given to the family of the unfortunate girl with the rare mitochondrial disease, the NIH did NOT state that vaccines cause autism, but rather that the vaccines the girl received MAY have exacerbated her rare condition, and MAY have contributed to “autism-like symptoms” she developed. This fits with what we know about vaccines: they are very safe for most people, and they rarely harm someone."
What you think they are going to actually admit they were wrong, please be realistic.