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Budwig Cancer diet that I am following
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Budwig Cancer diet that I am following


The Budwig Diet and Cancer ...
Budwig Diet Cancer

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The Budwig Cancer Diet - What It Does

The Budwig Cancer Diet was developed by German biochemist and physicist Dr. Johanna Budwig in the 1950’s. Dr. Budwig discovered the blood of those with cancer always had gross deficiencies of phosphatides and lipoproteins, while healthy persons did not have this deficiency. This deficiency resulted in reduced oxygen levels in the cells. Normal cells only become cancer cells when they have these reduced oxygen levels. [See The Cancer Chain of Events.]

Dr. Budwig then developed a simple diet to re-oxygenate the body’s cells. She discovered the saturated fats we were using in our Western diets did not contain pi-electrons. Pi-electrons are like spark-plugs for our cells to help them to “breathe” properly. Pi-electrons allow the body’s cells to assimilate and transport oxygen, and to detoxify cellular waste.

Dr. Budwig discovered the best source of Pi-electrons was found in two unsaturated fatty acids of flaxseed oil.

These unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic and linoleic), not only re-oxygenate the body’s cells, they also repair and restore the lipid membranes of all cells in the body, and they do this by replenishing the loss of critically needed phosphatides and lipoproteins that are always – as stated earlier - grossly deficient in cancer patients.

But there was one problem. How could Dr. Budwig get the unsaturated fatty acids of the flaxseed oil into the cells of cancer patients? Only water-soluble solutions can enter cells, and an oil, however fantastic it is, is not water-soluble and therefore cannot enter our cells.

After many years of clinical research, Dr. Budwig found that by combining flaxseed oil with the sulphurated amino acids found in cottage cheese – the flaxseed oil would become water-soluble, and immediately available for use by the body’s cells.

What has also recently become apparent is just how important the cottage cheese is in the Budwig Cancer Diet. Not only does the cottage cheese make the flaxseed oil water soluble to re-oxygenate the body’s cells to prevent cancer mutations, it contains two ingredients that fight cancer in the best possible way.

The first ingredient is sulphur. Sulphur helps to detoxify the body and prevent the growth of cancer cells. According to the National Cancer Institute sulphur compounds make cells vulnerable to the stress created by products of cell division. Because cancer cells divide very quickly, they generate more stressors than most normal cells. Thus, cancer cells are damaged by the presence of sulphur compounds to a much greater extent than normal cells.

The other important ingredient in the whey (the liquid part) of cottage cheese, is dextrorotatory lactic acid. This positive form of lactic acid – when given in high doses - normalizes the cell’s pH to healthy levels of around 7.4pH. Normalizing pH of the body’s cells is critical in cancer recovery. [See Cancer Nutrition]

Secondly, normalising the pH balance also stimulates adrenaline production, preventing a build up of glucose in cells. Preventing this glucose build-up in cells is critical in cancer recovery, as viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus feed on and ferment glucose, breaking the cell’s Krebs (oxygen) cycle, causing cells to mutate into cancer cells. [See The Cancer Chain of Events]

Thirdly, dextrorotatory lactic acid of the whey in cottage cheese neutralizes the toxic, levorotatory lactic acid of the tumour into a non-toxic, racemic form. This is of utmost importance, as it removes the stimulus for an increase in the cell division rate.

Fourthly, the whey of cottage cheese has powerful anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. Lactoferrin and lactoferricin in whey inhibits bacteria, yeast, fungi, and parasitic protozoa. As normal cells lose their ability to exchange oxygen due to the presence of viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus - causing them to mutate into cancer cells - killing these microbes is also paramount in cancer recovery.

Finally, the whey of cottage cheese stimulates the growth of various cells of the immune defense system including lymphocytes, macrophages/monocytes, humoral immune response, and antibody response.

The Budwig Cancer Diet is considered by alternative cancer authorities as the premier anti-cancer diet in the world today – and they are not alone. So impressive is the Budwig Cancer Diet’s ability to treat cancer, even aggressive cancers like brain cancer, the two active components of the Budwig Diet – flaxseed oil and the whey of cottage cheese – are currently being studied by the US government to determine their anti-cancer benefits, with excellent results being shown to date, and with the flaxseed oil even reaching clinical trial stage.

National Cancer Institute - Clinical Trials on Flaxseed Oil

The National Cancer Institute, a division of the US Government, is currently conducting clinical trials using flaxseed oil on stage 1 & stage 2 Breast Cancer patients. The objectives of the clinical trial are:

1. Compare the effect of flaxseed and placebo vs anastrozole vs flaxseed and anastrozole vs placebo on breast tumor growth as measured by changes in tumor biomarkers from initial tumor biopsy to tumor resection in postmenopausal women with newly diagnosed, estrogen receptor-positive, stage I or II breast cancer.

2. Compare rates of proliferation (i.e., Ki-67) and apoptosis (i.e., caspase) in tumor biopsy and resection specimens from these patients.

3. Compare growth factor and signaling pathway protein expression (i.e., ERα, ERβ, PgR, HER2, IGF1, IGFIR) in tumor biopsy and resection specimens from these patients.

4. Compare antibody-screen-derived recurrence scores in tumor biopsy and resection specimens from these patients.

5. Compare changes in steroid (i.e., estradiol, estrone, SHBG, DHEAS, testosterone, and androstenedione) and growth hormone (i.e., IGF1, IGFBP3) profiles from initial tumor biopsy to tumor resection in these patients.

US Department of Agriculture finds Whey Prevents Cancer

A team of Agricultural Research Service funded investigators from the US Department of Agriculture — Reza Hakkak, Martin J.J. Ronis, and J. Craig Rowlands — led by neuroendocrinologist and nutritionist Thomas M. Badger, has found that a modified whey protein, which Badger developed, prevents Breast Cancer in some laboratory rats.

It's an important medical discovery, considering that 180,000 U.S. women develop Breast Cancer each year—and 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer over her lifetime. Whey is notably present in the liquid component of cottage cheese.

The researchers studied an animal model of breast cancer. Over 3 years, female Sprague Dawley rats were fed one of two diets—one containing casein, the major protein found in milk, the other containing processed whey protein, which is found in the watery liquid that separates from milk during cheese making. The researchers have filed for a patent on the modified whey protein.

"One hundred percent of the rats fed the casein diet developed mammary tumors, but only about 50 percent of the whey-fed rats developed tumors," says Badger, who is based at the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center in Little Rock. "In addition, it took longer for the mammary tumors to develop in the whey-fed rats, and they had fewer tumors."

"This data is extremely important," he says, "because it demonstrates that in the animal model most used to study human breast cancer, a common dietary factor reduces the incidence of developing such tumors." [United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service]

The Budwig Cancer Diet - Easy To Prepare

The Budwig Diet is not only considered by experts as the best cancer diet in the world today, it is also one of the simplest and best tasting! Below is a 5 minute video that demonstrates just how easy it is to prepare the Budwig Cancer Diet.

Use flaxseed oil (ideally) from the refrigerated section of your health food store. Refrigerate and check the expiration date to make sure it has not expired. Do not use High Lignum flaxseed oil.

Mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese to one tablespoon of oil. Prepare the amount you are consuming at one time so it is mixed fresh each time. Start slowly with the oil, maybe just once a day and work their way up letting the body adjust.

The flaxseed oil and the cottage cheese must be thoroughly mixed at a low speed, using a Hand (Wand) Blender. Blend to a creamy texture with no flaxseed oil remaining. Consume the mixture immediately after preparation.

You can flavor the mixture each day (if you like) adding nuts (pecans, pine nuts, almonds or walnuts - not peanuts), banana, organic cocoa, shredded coconut, fresh pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, or cinnamon. You can mix these extras with the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese or place them on top.

Dr Budwig recommends people who are suffering from Cancer should work themselves up to consuming 6 - 8 tablespoons of the flaxseed oil daily. Here is a recommended daily protocol to work up to:

1. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of cold-pressed flaxseed oil with 6-8 tablespoons of low fat cottage cheese (using hand-blender).
2. Optional - Add nuts (pecans, pine nuts, almonds or walnuts – not peanuts), banana, organic cocoa, shredded coconut, fresh pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, or cinnamon.

3. Optional - Mix 2 tablespoons freshly ground organic flaxseeds.
4. First week: Prepare this mixture & consume once daily.
5. After first week: Prepare this mixture twice daily and consume immediately or cover & refrigerate until required.

Dr Budwig advised people with Liver or Pancreatic Cancer should work up very slowly with the oil and possibly only start with 1 teaspoon at a time until their body has adjusted. Dr Budwig recommends a maintenance dose of 1 tablespoon of the oil per one hundred pounds of body weight.

Very important note: The Budwig Diet takes time to work and usually takes 3-6 months to see results with those with cancer and tumors.

The Dr. Budwig Daily Dietary Plan for Cancer Patients

Although the above BUDWIG MIX of Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese can be added to any existing diet with very good results, Dr. Budwig recommends the following daily dietary plan for better and faster results. Regardless of your diet, preserved meats and Sugar (in all foods) should be avoided when on the Budwig Diet. Dr. Budwig recommends that you stay on the following diet for a minimum of 5 years. Dr. Budwig also advises that breaking the rules of this diet (such as eating preserved meats and sugar) may cause tumors to grow back rapidly worse.


- Sugar (including brown sugar) in all foods
- Animal Fats
- Salad Oil (including Mayonnaise)
- Meats (especially preserved meats)
- Butter and Margarine


Freshly squeezed vegetables juices work well with this diet. Use carrots, beetroot, celery, and apple (to taste). There is no limit on the number of these juices per day. A warm herbal tea (3 times a day) is essential for this diet, such as Peppermint, Rosehip, Fennel, Grape tea, etc.


Day 1 (only): Mix 250ml (8.5 oz) of Flaxseed Oil with honey together with freshly squeezed or blended fruit juices. Do NOT use juice from the supermarket. If the person is very ill, you may use Champagne in place of the juice, as the Champagne makes it easier for the body to assimilate the oil and will re-energize a very sick person.

Day 2 onwards: Mix 3-4 tablespoons of cold-pressed flaxseed oil with 6-8 tablespoons of low fat cottage cheese (using hand-blender) twice daily. Use this mixture throughout the day in the daily dietary plan listed below. Cover and store the unused Budwig Mix in the refrigerator until required.

The Dr. Budwig Daily Dietary Plan for Cancer Patients
Before Breakfast A glass of Acidophilus milk or Sauerkraut juice (This will restore essential good bacteria into your body)
Breakfast Pour 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of Flaxseed Oil and some honey and fresh fruit - berries, apricots, peaches, grated apple over natural muesli. You may also use nuts, except peanuts. Eat 4 ounces of the BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese). You may eat this straight or add it to your muesli. Drink 1 herbal tea.
Morning Tea A glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or beet-apple juice.
Lunch Raw salad with Yogurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise*. Raw salad should consist of 'greens' and a combination of (your choice) grated turnips, carrots, beets, kohlrabi, radishes, sauerkraut or cauliflower. *Yogurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise: Mix together 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Flax Oil, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) milk, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Natural Yogurt. Then add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of Lemon juice (or Apple Cider Vinegar) and add 1 teaspoon (2.5g) Mustard plus some herbs such as marjoram or dill. Next add 2 or 3 slices of health food store pickles (no preservatives ) and a pinch of herbal salts. Wait half hour after meal and drink a glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or beet-apple juice.
Cooked Meal Steamed vegetables, potatoes, or such grains as rice, buck-wheat or millet may be served. to these add either THE BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed & Cottage Cheese) or the Yogurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise - for flavor and to up your intake of Flax Oil. Also mix THE BUDWIG MIX with potatoes instead of sour cream. Drink 1 herbal tea.
Dessert Mix fresh fruit with THE BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed & Cottage Cheese). Flavor using cream of lemon, vanilla or berries.
Afternoon Tea A small glass of fresh fruit juice or champagne (if feeling low energy)with 1-2 tablespoons of honey-coated Flaxseeds or drink a glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or beet-apple juice.
Supper Have this by 7pm. Make a hot natural vegetable soup (not canned). (This may be a blended soup such as potato & leek soup, pumpkin soup, or any vegetable soup home-made). Add THE BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed & Cottage Cheese) for more flavour. Drink 1 herbal tea.

The Budwig Cancer Diet - Survivor Testimonials

Testimonials 1
85 Testimonials of the Budwig Cancer Diet (Page takes 1 minute to open)

Testimonials 2
Brain Cancer Testimonials

Testimonials 3
Breast Cancer Testimonials (1)

Testimonials 4
Breast Cancer Testimonials (2)

Testimonials 5
Prostate Cancer Testimonials

Testimonials 6
Lung Cancer Testimonials (1)

Testimonials 7
Lung Cancer Testimonials (2)

Testimonials 8
Bladder Cancer Testimonials

Testimonials 9
Colon Cancer Testimonials

Testimonials 10
Budwig Survival Stories: By Robert Willner, M.D. Ph.D.

Studies Demonstrating the Anti-Cancer Effects of Flaxseed Oil

Study 1
Effect of flaxseed supplementation on prostatic carcinoma in transgenic mice

Study 2
Dietary flaxseed inhibits human breast cancer growth and metastasis

Study 3
Flaxseed reduces mammary tumor growth at a late stage of carcinogenesis

Study 4
Flaxseed reduces the risk of colon carcinogenesis

Study 5
Flaxseed has anti-tumor effects

Study 6
Flaxseed protects against chromosomal damage associated with cancer risk

Study 7
Flaxseed reduces human breast cancer cell metastasis

Study 8
Flaxseed decreases proliferation of prostate cancer cells

US National Institute of Health finds Flaxseed Halts Cancer Growth

A new US study suggests that flaxseed, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and lignans, can stop prostate cancer tumours from growing.

The study was presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago on Saturday by researchers from Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.

The researchers think that flaxseed, which has similar properties to sesame seed, probably interrupts the chain of events that eventually makes cells multiply out of control and become a tumour.

Dr Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, a researcher in Duke's School of Nursing and lead investigator on the study said that: "Our previous studies in animals and in humans had shown a correlation between flaxseed supplementation and slowed tumor growth, but the participants in those studies had taken flaxseed in conjunction with a low-fat diet." However, she explained that: "For this study, we demonstrated that it is flaxseed that primarily offers the protective benefit."

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill also took part.

Demark-Wahnefried and colleagues recruited 161 men who were due to have surgery for prostate cancer (prostatectomy: where all or part of the prostate gland is removed).

The patients were randomly assigned to one of four groups. One group took 30 grams of flaxseed a day for an average of 30 days before they had the operation (the flaxseed only group). Another group did the same but also followed a low-fat diet (20 per cent or less of their calories from fat). A third group did not take the flaxseed and only followed a low-fat diet, while the fourth group, a control, had none of the interventions.

After the surgery, the researchers examined the tumour cells under a microscope to assess how quickly they had multiplied. They then compared the men who had only flaxseed, with or without following a low-fat diet, with the men in the other two groups: no intervention and low-fat diet only. They found that the slowest rate of tumour growth occurred in the two flaxseed supplemented groups.

Demark-Wahnefried said: "The results showed that the men who took just flaxseed as well as those who took flaxseed combined with a low-fat diet did the best, indicating that it is the flaxseed which is making the difference."

The flaxseed supplement was given in ground form because in the whole form the seed coat is hard and undigestible. The patients took the flaxseed either in drinks, sprinkled on food, or with yogurt.

Flaxseed is thought to stop the growth and spread of cancer cells. This could be because the omega-3 fatty acids it contains interferes with the ability of cancer cells to cling onto other body cells, said Demark-Wahnefried. The lignans it contains may also have antiangiogenic properties, the ability to stop the blood supply to the tumour.

Demark-Wahnefried said that they were "excited that this study showed that flaxseed is safe and associated with a protective effect on prostate cancer". In next phase of their research the team hopes to study the preventative properties of flaxseed, and its effect on patients with recurrent prostate tumours.

As well as being antiangiogenic, the lignans in flaxseed, one of the richest sources of these fibre-related compounds, are thought to interfere with or prevent cell division and affect hormones. They are antimitotic, affect androgen metabolism and have estrogenic effects, said Demark-Wahnefried.

Studies Demonstrating the Anti-Cancer Effects of Whey

Whey protein was found to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in a test tube, and another clinical study showed a regression in the size of tumours of some patients who were fed 30g of whey protein concentrate per day. [Kennedy R.S., Konok G.P., Bounous G., Baruchel S., Lee T.D., Anti Cancer Research, 1995]
In clinical studies in rats at the Arkansas Children's Research Institute, whey was proven to be twice as effective as soy in breast cancer prevention. Studies have also led researchers to the discovery that whey protein protects healthy cells while cancerous cells are being treated with chemotherapy.
In vivo research on cancer and whey showed whey protein concentrate inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells at low concentrations [Baruchel S. and Vaiu G., Anti Cancer Research, 1996].
When Ohio State University food scientists treated human prostate cells in the lab with whey protein, cellular levels of the antioxidant glutathione increased. Antioxidants such as glutathione have been shown to control cancer-causing free radicals. Cancer researchers suspect that the accumulation of free radicals plays a role in the development of prostate cancer. In the current study, the Ohio State scientists found that treating prostate cells with whey protein elevated glutathione levels in the cells by up to 64 percent.
A team of Agricultural Research Service funded investigators from the US Department of Agriculture — Reza Hakkak, Martin J.J. Ronis, and J. Craig Rowlands — led by neuroendocrinologist and nutritionist Thomas M. Badger, has found that a modified whey protein, which Badger developed, prevents breast cancer in some laboratory rats. "One hundred percent of the rats fed the casein diet developed mammary tumors, but only about 50 percent of the whey-fed rats developed tumors," says Badger, who is based at the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center in Little Rock. "In addition, it took longer for the mammary tumors to develop in the whey-fed rats, and they had fewer tumors."
Acccording to the US National Dairy Council, "whey contains several components which may protect against toxins, bacteria, and viruses. Lactoferrin and lactoferricin inhibit a diverse range of microorganisms including gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, yeast, fungi, and parasitic protozoa...whey protein Lactoferrin is secreted by neutrophils and can stimulate the growth of various cells of the immune defense system including lymphocytes, macrophages/monocytes, humoral immune response, and antibody response...increasing evidence from cellular and animal models indicates that whey, whey proteins (e.g., lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, alphalactalbumin, bovine serum albumin), and peptides, as well as other whey components, may protect against some cancers."

Alternative Cancer Treatments:
Survival Statistics Comparison

High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy

Terminal patients - whose survival time was between 25-90 days in the control groups - survived on average 3.35 times longer when taking High dose Vitamin C Therapy. (Based on 4 studies) A single study conducted by Dr Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, treated 101 terminally ill cancer patients with mega (oral) doses of Vitamin C plus 1500mg Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and found these patients survived on average 100 months - compared to only 5.6 months for the 33 control patients (not taking Vitamin C plus Vitamin B3.


Advanced Cancer - Hyperthermia combined with radiation has been demonstrated in multiple studies to double 3, 5, and 12 year survival rates compared to those treated with radiation alone. Hyperthermia combined with radiation achieves on average a 68% complete remission compared to 43% with radiation alone. (Based on 7 studies).

Cesium Chloride/DMSO

There are no studies we are aware of (and we have looked thoroughly) where Cesium Chloride has been used alone or with DMSO in any human study or trial, controlled or uncontrolled. Cesium Chloride typically has been used with other proven anti-cancer agents such as High Dose Vitamin C, meaning it is impossible to determine what effect the Cesium Chloride has in extending cancer survival.

Overnight Cure for Cancer

Due to this being a new treatment, there are no studies that exist indicating whether the Overnight Cure for Cancer (OCC) as a combined therapy is capable of extending cancer survival.

Ozone Cancer Therapy

Although this therapy has been used to treat cancer patients in Europe and Germany for nearly 30 years, there exists no thorough clinical patient trials, nor any study (worldwide) that documents incrreased survival times.

MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement)

This a new cancer treatment designed to kill the pathogen (parasite, virus, microbe) that causes cancer. Multiple studies have demonstrated Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 's ability to effect a near 100% cure rate of more than 75,000 cases of untreatable Malaria and HIV/Aids in Africa. The principle of its cure is the same for cancer, and early testimonials of cancer patients using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement reveals a remarkable ability to send into remission late stage metastasised cancer. *** For this reason Puna Wai Ora has chosen to trial Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and is now inviting the general public to trial MMS for 3 months to help us document its effectiveness so that others with cancer may benefit. ***

Gerson Cancer Therapy / Diet

There are two clinial patient studies that exist for the Gerson Therapy, indicating enhanced survival. 5 year survival rates for stage 3 and 4 Melanoma cancer patients were nearly double. A separate German study of 36 patients with metastasised colon cancer in the liver, achieved a mean average survival of 28.6 months, compared to 16.2 months for patients not on the Gerson Therapy. There are also more than 50 testimonials of patients having survived cancer using the Gerson Cancer Therapy / Diet.

The Budwig Cancer Diet

Although there are many clinical studies demonstrating the anti-cancer effects of the two main components of the Budwig Cancer Diet - flaxseed oil and the whey of cottage cheese - there exists no long-term dedicated study on the survival rates of cancer patients on this diet. There are, however, hundreds of long-term cancer survival testimonials of those using the Budwig Diet as their main protocol, and thousands more undocumented. The Budwig Diet is considered by many as the best anti-cancer diet in the world. The National Cancer Institute are currently conducting clinical trials on its main component – flaxseed oil – on women with breast cancer.


- Sugar (including brown sugar) in all foods
- Animal Fats
- Salad Oil (including Mayonnaise)
- Meats (especially preserved meats)
- Butter and Margarine


Freshly squeezed vegetables juices work well with this diet. Use carrots, beetroot, celery, and apple (to taste). There is no limit on the number of these juices per day. A warm herbal tea (3 times a day) is essential for this diet, such as Peppermint, Rosehip, Fennel, Grape tea, etc.


Day 1 (only): Mix 250ml (8.5 oz) of Flaxseed Oil with honey together with freshly squeezed or blended fruit juices. Do NOT use juice from the supermarket. If the person is very ill, you may use Champagne in place of the juice, as the Champagne makes it easier for the body to assimilate the oil and will re-energize a very sick person.

Day 2 onwards: Mix 3-4 tablespoons of cold-pressed flaxseed oil with 6-8 tablespoons of low fat cottage cheese (using hand-blender) twice daily. Use this mixture throughout the day in the daily dietary plan listed below. Cover and store the unused Budwig Mix in the refrigerator until required.

The Dr. Budwig Daily Dietary Plan for Cancer Patients

Before Breakfast A glass of Acidophilus milk or Sauerkraut juice (This will restore essential good bacteria into your body)

Breakfast Pour 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of Flaxseed Oil and some honey and fresh fruit - berries, apricots, peaches, grated apple over natural muesli. You may also use nuts, except peanuts. Eat 4 ounces of the BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese). You may eat this straight or add it to your muesli. Drink 1 herbal tea.

Morning Tea A glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or beet-apple juice.

Lunch Raw salad with Yogurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise*. Raw salad should consist of 'greens' and a combination of (your choice) grated turnips, carrots, beets, kohlrabi, radishes, sauerkraut or cauliflower. *Yogurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise: Mix together 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Flax Oil, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) milk, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) Natural Yogurt. Then add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of Lemon juice (or Apple Cider Vinegar) and add 1 teaspoon (2.5g) Mustard plus some herbs such as marjoram or dill. Next add 2 or 3 slices of health food store pickles (no preservatives ) and a pinch of herbal salts. Wait half hour after meal and drink a glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or beet-apple juice.

Cooked Meal Steamed vegetables, potatoes, or such grains as rice, buck-wheat or millet may be served. to these add either THE BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed & Cottage Cheese) or the Yogurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise - for flavor and to up your intake of Flax Oil. Also mix THE BUDWIG MIX with potatoes instead of sour cream. Drink 1 herbal tea.

Dessert Mix fresh fruit with THE BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed & Cottage Cheese). Flavor using cream of lemon, vanilla or berries.

Afternoon Tea A small glass of fresh fruit juice or champagne (if feeling low energy)with 1-2 tablespoons of honey-coated Flaxseeds or drink a glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or beet-apple juice.

Supper Have this by 7pm. Make a hot natural vegetable soup (not canned). (This may be a blended soup such as potato & leek soup, pumpkin soup, or any vegetable soup home-made). Add THE BUDWIG MIX (Flaxseed & Cottage Cheese) for more flavour. Drink 1 herbal tea.


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