I know exactly where you are coming from with all your points. Sometimes you just dont know whats causing what or if its just that you feel bad anyway. I also saw the post on Milk Thistle and not to take it before doing liver flushes. I guess if you visit the Liver Flush Forum they will obviously advocate liver flushing, since it helps them but it doesnt mean its right for everyone. I reacted very badly to my Liver Flush but I do a very very toned down mini version whereby I take small amounts of malic acid (apparantly disolves stones)and drink olive oil and lemon juice each morning (sometimes adding a clove of garlic). Shelley who used to post on here (she now has her own web site http://www.askshelley.com)
recommended this to me. I at least feel as if I am doing something to help. I do know of other people on here from years ago that have got well and not liver flushed. However they have still done lots to help their livers.