I have seen people have this so bad it comes out their under arms, fingers and just about anywhere, but started on the toes.
The feet expell a huge amount of waste. The job of fungus is to eat up the waste that ferments/rots, tc...So in theory it would seem too much waste trapped in the feet would be the foundation for toe fungus.
I have seen people use 35% food grade peroxide direct on the feet and hands for sever cases and it burns/boils and they say it releives the horrible itch and because this was not a cure, they started swallowing it diluted in water on an empty stomach and after a period of time all the fungus gone externally. This is a little harsh I think as well not safe and I believe using herbs/fasting a better way to go if a person can afford it. The reason for the peroxide method was the people had very little money and no education with taking herbs, etc..