Re: Colon cleansing, probiotics and drug withdrawal question
Not in left field at all. It's a two edge sword that's all. Sure, cleaning things up will let the body run better but at the same time it'll increase the bodies ability to absorb the drugs. So it's a fine line to walk. Thus the problem with getting off the legals.
The most symptomatic relief will come from the bug killer. For sure start getting those gone right now. After that controlling the volume of poisons being released from the cells is the problem. Dump too much poison and you're dead. Continue taking the drug and the poisoning continues and is even enhansed by the cleansing process.
Getting off the legal drugs IS the most difficult thing to do. My reasoning would be to do the bug killer immediately and start flushing in two weeks. Once the flushing starts maintain high detox tea input to minimize the length of time the poisons are in the blood. Treat anxiety and symptoms with amino acids or herbals. Once off the drugs get to work on the colon to reestablish normal nutritional uptake values.
But I can't see doing much work on the colon until the bugs are getting gone and the liver opened up. It'll just increase the amount of poisons being absorbed.
That's just off the top of my head. But, no doubt, getting off the legal drugs is a huge problem. It can get very tricky and thus the reason for the various detox clinics available.
PS All along distilled water and the daily oils.