I've had Mirena since December 2007. I thought it was the perfect bc just like everybody else. It is suppose to have no weight gain, wrong I've gained atleast 20lbs with it, severe mood swings, tried all the time no matter how much sleep I get and I am really depressed (cry for nothing at all and I never cried before)! They should have had to tell all the side effect just not ones that make them look good. I dont know what I was looking up but I came across this site and it scares me. All these problems I have is due to a stupid piece of plastic. I have seen lots of entries about ppl removing themselves and I think about doing it. Is there any problems with removing it yourself? I have no insurance and really cant afford to take a day off to go to the doc and cant afford the office visit. plus i just want the thing out ASAP! Could someone tell me if it is okay to remove it myself. Thanks for all the great info!