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Re: Re: Banking Reform
Quinta_Essentia Views: 2,860
Published: 17 y
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Re: Re: Banking Reform

i have previously viewed this film, it has some interesting info in it.

i disagree with the idea that all our money should be backed by gold. gold reserves are a good idea, but if you restrict your money supply to the specific amount of gold you possess you will strangle growth of your economy.

the money is backed by the worth of the goods and service of the country, pure and simple.

the government needs to take control of monetary policy away from the Fed and stop messing with the free market.

the real problem in america is three things.

1. the parasitic military industrial complex that is strangling the economy.

2. all our industries fled overseas and we let them go. now its too late to get them back.

3. the Fed and the money supply is run by a good old boys network who look out for the wealthy and screw the middle class. the problem now is that the middle class is just about cashed out.


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