16 y
Re: Personal attacks show your lack of integrity.
DQ, the majority of engineers believe that the collapse of the buildings can be explained by scientific and engineering principles, although obviously there is a percentage that doesn't. I am not going to rehash that whole debate (collapse speed, temperatures etc.). Most people side with one camp or the other and the debate usually goes nowhere. I will, however, talk about an aspect of this that doesn't seem to get much ink and that is Dubya's role in the whole affair.
I ask you - is this the face of a super genius tactician that was able to pull off what certainly would be one of the most brilliant secret operations in modern times?? Make no doubt about it, if the 911 conspiracy is true then it is brilliant because most Americans don't buy it - hence it has succeeded. Number one, he was in office only a relatively short time before 911, but more importantly he has the brains of a duck. George Bush has a hard time just tieing his shoe laces. You ever seen the pictures of him at the elementary school on 911 looking like a doped up deer caught in the headlights? If he was acting then he should be bringing home multiple academy awards. Unfortunately, what I think we were seeing was the real George Bush. Bush couldn't plan a pool party for a bunch of six year olds without one of them drowning. The muslims that boarded those planes had five times the smarts that Dubya has. RB is correct in saying that Bush didn't plan or implement this thing. If it truly was a conspiracy then it was planned and implemented by members of the Government who are out of the public eye or all they had was advance knowledge of a plot and they just let it happen. Bush would have been completely out of the loop. It was one thing to think in 2001-2003 that he was the mastermind but we now have almost 8 years of youtube clips of him showing his true colors. Show me one major policy that he has implemented that has succeeded. Bush don't got no Midas touch - unfortunately everything he touches wilts.