Good question, here is a better one
Did CZ therefore break their own TOS when they sent me this email notification?
Re: A Drag Queen? My reply to Char... by #95798 to me
show details 10:18 PM (1 hour ago) Reply
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Re: A Drag Queen? My reply to Charlie by #95798
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I don't know if the user number was posted and then hidden or if there is a glitch in the system or what, but my email notification clearly gave the user number and nothing in the email was marked confidential.
I understand how it is easy for many of us to dislike what Charlie has done, and I am no goody two shoes, but no matter what another member may have done, I just think no one should post such information/allegations about someone's own family members like that and do so as a totally hidden member at that.
Maybe they did not cross your line in doing so, but they did cross mine.