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A Drag Queen? My reply to Charlie
dquixote1217 Views: 5,922
Published: 16 y
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A Drag Queen? My reply to Charlie

Sheesh, I have gone from Dairy Queen to Drag Queen! LOLOL

Ol' Charlie sure is keeping in form.  Anyone who dares question him usually gets the royal bashing in his forum.  One can only speculate about the psychological issues at play that motivates such behavior.  Thanks for the heads up on his post.  Normally I pretty much respect other private forums, but since he brought me up for one of his patented name calling bashes, I thought it only fair that I reply - not that I expect him to leave my post up,  In case you miss it (, here is what I had to say:

Keeping in form, I see

Taking the high road as usual I see Charlie.  What else can we expect from someone who sets themselves on a pedestal, pretty much disagrees with any alternative or natural healing that does not include your hugely expensive liver tonic, bashes anyone who disagrees with you and hides their messages or alters them to change the message entirely, posts personal information of other CZ members, and practices selective healing based on whether or not someone pushes your buttons or behaves according to your standards - which apparently means agreeing with you, since you pretty much delete the messages and ban anyone who doesn't.

You set a wonderful example, Charlie!




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