Hi mo123,
I would definitely try the yarrow and willow bark, and see what happens. Yarrow is used for cystitis, that is cysts that the
parasites form, if you do have
parasites you want to have the cysts gone, and yarrow increases the effect of what the other herbs do. That is from jessiesmom's post above. There is so much information that is lost about herbs, and how they can be effective together, that you may have gotten good information, but it just isn't documented.
I am big on carrot juice, it's anti-worm, and it tastes OK. I use a mixture of fresh pinapple juice and carrot juice, and then eat pumpkin seeds, it's best to get unbaked seeds if you can. I've found this combination works pretty well.
Yarrow has been used for a very long time, for many conditions, I would give it a try.
Another one that I've heard of, but haven't tried, but is easily available is metamucil and apple cider vinegar. I'm pretty sure that metamucil has psylum in it, and psylum will help you get anything out of your intestines that shouldn't be there, if you take it with whatever other herbs you have, it might be helpful. I use psylum when I'm cleansing in combination with other herbs. I do use apple cider vinegar, it seems to work as a pick up when you are tired because of the effects of cleansing, and the worms don't like it at all. It's pretty easy to get, if you drink a tablespoon in tea or warm water and add honey, it's easy to get it down. I usually mix it up with peppermint tea and honey, it's not too nasty that way. Other inexpensive ways of deworming are all the clays/chalks. You can get them as kaopectate, it usually has some clay in it, if you can't get
Bentonite or diatomacious earth. Just be sure you don't use so much you really get constipated, with the clays, that can be a problem. What the clays do is stick to the skins of the worms, they get stuck together, and they are easire to expell.
Other spices that really kill worms are all of the hot chilis, if you have to, grind up very hot chilis and stick them in gelatin capsules, cayanne as hot as you can find it, but any of the hot spices will help kill the worms.
I know this is frustrating, and it's hard when you have limited access to what you need to get better, but it still can be done. I use the same type of zapper that you have, it's been a great help.