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Re: new world order nonsense
WhistlingBooger Views: 2,217
Published: 17 y
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Re: new world order nonsense

Try watching Loose Change 1, Loose Change 2, Loose Change 3, What Really Happened by William Rodriguez, 911 Road To Tyranny, The Great Conspiracy-The 911 News Special You Never Saw, 911 Prof. Steven Jones Video Thermite Used At WTC, 911 & the American Empire.

There may not be a lot of evidence showing Shrub (bush) was involved, but there is a ton of evidence showing the government was involved. I know you seem pretty smart Chris so just do these couple of things for yourself.

1. Throw a tin can in a fire and see if it melts into a pool of molten metel and stays that way for months after the fire goes out like it did at WTC, and it happened in building 7 and no plane hit it.

2. Look at the pictures of the building coming down and notice things are flying UP and out. Show me one natural fire that has thing flying up.

3. Now why would Shrub lie about 9/11? Is he just stupid beyond imagination or was he trying to cover something up and failed like everything else he's done while in office?
You think he's a good honest genuine man that can be trusted when he said "the constituion is just a god damn piece of paper"? But I know he's a "good christian".
There are about as many red flags about 9/11 as there are dead American soldiers coming home from Iraq because they believed Shrub.

Oh yeah, when you're done looking at the evidence about 9/11 I can give you some more to watch about NWO, then maybe you'll learn why 9/11 happened. I'm wondering, do you really believe several rag heads could hijack 4 airliners when they could fly ANY plane very well, and plant bombs throughout WTC and building 7 without being noticed and have it all go off as planed except for that one airliner? Wake up Chris. You've woke up to the truth about health, now waken up to the rest of the world around you. (It could save your life)


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