Nice Posts Zoebess.... they completely covered everything that chris10 has said.
I also find it interesting that chris10 never has anything interesting to say, or generative to add to the conversation. I mean I might even find his posts readible... possibly even interesting if he actually had some sort of logical reasoning or evidence that suggests chemtrails were false. He also doesnt debate in a generative way like a rational person does... he resorts to personal attacks of peoples intelligence, and insults thier observations/experiences. Its pathetic... and childish.
I mean for someone who claims to be so educated and intelligent... those attacks are very simple minded. Mind you I have seen many educated people that are about as smart as a phone book. Just look at the national treasury... for all the govt people who were educated on how to handle money....through thier advanced economics educations... they still put the country over 9.5 trillion dollars in debt. Almost half of all the taxes americans pay each year only goes towards servicing that debt.