Sounds very much like Mirena. I've had those fears. But i've had a bajillion blood tests, x rays, ct scans, mri, nerve conduction study- you name it. I'm as healthy as a horse. So I don't think I'm going to die and I don't believe you are either. I had my first major anxiety attack yesterday since before removal and my theory is it relates to my cycle. I think all of this has a lot to do with Mirena telling the body it doesn't have to create natural Progesterone (Mirena supplies Progestin) and after removal everything's gone haywire. I think I'm estrogen dominant/progesterone deficient but I'm waiting for my doc to order the tests. I have been having breathing issues which I believe are like a prolonged (3 week- yikes) panic attack or perpetual frozen state of pre-panic (??). Hormones will do some crazy stuff to ya, I'm learning.