Brand new, freaking out a bit. Help?
I just stumbled onto this site and I'm looking for some help/confirmation/advice...
My son just turned 1 year old, and I had the mirena placed about 8 weeks after he was born. I had weird periods for a few months - light but really, really long. They finally tapered off and I haven't had one since late March, but today I had some very light pink spotting.
Since October (right after the IUD was placed) I have had EXTREME itching on my legs/ankles and now have horrible scarring. I have also had it on my hands and arms, now my back. Dermatologist said it's allergies, allergist concurs. I think it's the mirena.
I've also felt...weird. It's hard to describe. My limbs feel funny, like my blood is jumping or something and lately the right side of my face has been off kilter - I have less control of it and bright lights mess with my right eye.
I have a hard time losing weight, an easy time putting it on, NO energy, almost NO sex drive (only 3 times in a year!), CRAZY mood swings and anxiety to the point of worrying about suddenly dying all the time. I'm convinced I'm going to have a heart attack, stroke, anyuerism (sp?) or that I have a brain tumor. I've always had a bit of anxiety, but not like this.
Does this all sound like mirena stuff? I'm thinking of having it removed now that I've seen these posts.