Re: ParaZapper did not lose his posting privileges
>- Which one is it now, David?
It is the same as always. It is that the method of presenting testimonials is unreliable, regardless of how truthful they are or how accurate they are. Testimonials do not allow for a thorough, complete, or unbiased presentation of accurate information. Testimonials are strictly one sided and are therefore unreliable. Testimonials are nothing more than interesting stories.
>- Can you please answer these questions clearly and directly so that everyone can read them?
I just did and have stated this before.
>- Regarding your inference that my "site" is not credible, my "site" means all my site, right?
Any site that is prone to posting unverified and inaccurate claims makes itself questionable. While some and possibly most of your site may be good information, the doubt remains due to prior experience with your claims. You, sadly, fail to see this distinction.
>- Did you ever make a mistake on your site or on the
Zapper Support Forum ?
Yes, I mispelled your name 3 or 4 times out of many. I admitted, apologized, and corrected those that I found.
I have also mispelled a few other things, mostly because I am in a rush and forget to check. When I have made a couple of corrections that are more than mispellings, I mark the changes as edited.
>- You NEVER admit making a mistake,
This is a lie on your part Ken. There are prior postings on the curezone where I have admitted and corrected mistakes.
>- I don't give a damn" how much you benefit from using the forum. I couldn't care less.
Actually, you are the one here seeking benefit. You have made it obvious in your own postings that you are not here to help. Over 90 percent of my postings have nothing to do with zappers or any of the other products that I manufacture, promote, and/or sell.
>- I don't aspire to being a "sound bite helper", chasing ambulances on the forum to rustle up a bit of business, saying anything to put down the competition, anything at all to try to influence the gullible, trying to manipulate people to make a few extra sales.
Wow, Ken, that is actually what you ARE doing. You even make this point clear in previous posts with every paragraph exclaiming that superlative nature of the U Z and then complaining when I left those parts out of my quotes.
>- I am very comfortable where I am, wherever that is in the "rankings". As long as I am helping people they keep coming to me through word of mouth from all over the world, in greater and greater numbers every year, and that is my greatest motivation and my greatest satisfaction and it always has been and it always will be.
Then why have you not been helping the many people on these forums? Nothing you have done on the curezone has been to help anyone but yourself.
>- And I don't think our maker will be asking us "What was your sales rank?" when we finally get to meet him.
I agree Ken, but I am sure that he is aware and that he knows why.