Re: My first water fast
It is amazing, and wonderful, exciting, and a little sad (for not have known sooner) this journey we are on. I feel as though I am in a dance - a dance of life and the beat of the drum is so exhilarating. Though I am convinced that the key to longevity is to smile way more than you ever frown:D
You are right, you have nothing to lose. I am excited to start my next fast. "Rational Fasting" I have never heard of it before. I will be looking into it. I'm always on the lookout for new resources.
"....but I do not doubt for a second that your love will come back to you in more ways than one. "
It comes back to me in two ways. There names are Titus and Brendon. They are 3(almost 4) and 2. I thank you for your kind words.
"Continue to love, inspire, and lead this lifestyle with no regrets. Pain, as part of life, will always be a teacher to us. Again, I thank you for giving me a portion of your knowledge and caring heart."
I am greatly touched by your kind and wise words. May we all continue to seek knowledge, and spread it as far as we can. Again I thank you, and will be here for your support. As always, Blessed Be. Motherweary