Re: My first water fast
Hello again brianc86,
as you are probably aware, all of Nature's agencies are needed for optimal health, with exposure to sunlight being just one of these. Sunlight and sunbathing along with fresh air, and warmth and so on should be utilized by the body in greater or lesser amounts for its biological and physiological needs.
Sun-baths, light-baths, and air-baths were known collectively as the atmospheric cure. Saleeby quoted his French students as saying, "Baths of water are good, baths of air are better, baths of light are best."
Benjamin Franklin used to have the habit of taking air baths each morning in his room. He also encouraged other people into the doing the same, and spoke highly of the benefits he received. Ben Franklin would also undress completely when doing mental work. Adolph Just, of Germany, also laid great stress on the air-bath.
Air exposure over the whole body can increase metabolism by fifty per cent in ten minutes. Thyroid extract, medicine's only claimed stimulant of metabolism, is said to require a year to accomplish this same thing. An air-bath of just twenty minutes reduces the hydrogen-ion content of the blood to normal. No drug method known can do this in any length of time.
Such is the power of Nature.
However, there is very little difference with sunbathing while eating as when fasting, being careful not to overexpose the body to too much sunlight. The heat of the day in particular should be avoided. Maximum benefit is procured with sunlight exposure before midday and after 4.00pm in the cooler parts of the day. The suns heat is extremely enervating and especially so while fasting and should therefore be avoided.
In the UK here there is an old adage "Only mad dogs and Englishmen sit out in the midday sun". How true that really is.
Build your exposure to sunlight and fresh-air gradually on a daily basis, where if you are already receiving 20 minutes of exposure, this can safely be increased on a daily basis to even 3 to 4 hours.
It is said that the body stops the production of Vitamin D3 or its precursor within 30 minutes to one hour of light-exposure, of which it has been shown to reduce the incidence of all cancers by a massive 77%; but there are benefits to sunlight exposure that go much further than this, in particular, the nervous system and the Brain are greatly benefited; intelligence is also improved.
I do tend to rant on a bit, so sorry if this seems overly long.