My experience with Mirena after 8 months of use, still having side effects
I'm 24 years old, married, and have never been pregnant. I had a Mirena IUD inserted in November of 2007. It is now July 2008 and I am still experiencing what I believe are side effects from the Mirena iud. Here are the things I have noticed:
1) Frequent bleeding. It is usually light, but it goes on and off for 2-3 weeks each month (blood one day, gone the next, bleeding 2 days, gone next 2 days, heavy blood one day then light blood next day, then gone for 3, back on for 1 day, off for 2, on for 2. . . and so on it goes). I used to have a regular 5-6 day period with only one heavy day with cramping. I'm now getting cramps 3-4 days a month.
2) Cramping and pain when I'm going #2 on the toilet (gross, I know, sorry, but has anyone else experienced that? I have IBS and am no stranger to cramping from going to the bathroom, but this is a different kind of cramping on top of the normal cramping)
3) Irritability -- I feel like most days I have no patience at all. It's like I have constant PMS -- the littlest thing gets me so angry so quickly, and before the IUD I would only get like that right before getting my period. Now it seems like most of the time and I'm snapping at people for no good reason.
4) Bloating and weight gain. I feel like I am constantly bloated (considering I'm bleeding about half of the days of each month), and have gained weight despite my first attempt in my life (having always been a thin person with a great metabolism) at exercising more regularly and making changes to my diet. I believe I have gained at least 5, maybe 10,
pounds since the Mirena, which doesn't sound too bad, except that exercising and making changes to my diet doesn't seem to be doing anything at all -- I'm still gaining.
5) I have significantly less sex drive and pleasure during sex
Has anyone else had their Mirena as long as I have (I'm on my 8th month) and still had as much bleeding as I'm having? It seems that a lot of people are posting right after getting it inserted or wondering if they should get one in the first place. I would be interested to hear from anyone who's had it past the 6 month period, after the side effects and bleeding are "supposed" to be done with. If you match that bill, are you experiencing any of the symptoms I described?
I'm thinking about getting the IUD taken out in 1-2 months if thing don't improve. What are all of the possible side effects after having it taken out?