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Re: Anyone unable to digest fats? even olive oil?
dquixote1217 Views: 7,937
Published: 17 y
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Re: Anyone unable to digest fats? even olive oil?

Have you tried coconut oil?  It is great for the gut and acts against candida in most instances.  It also helps keep the bile ducts open - though you maybe should do some coffee enemas to open up the bile ducts if you did a liver flush with no stones coming out. 

Here is the liver flush I recommend to go with my anti-cancer protocol:

5-day liver cleanse.

It is best to have day 4 on a Saturday or at a time when you are staying at home.

Day 1: Drink 1 liter (4 cups) of apple juice during the day. Eat as normal otherwise.

Day 2: Drink another liter of apple juice. Eat normally

Day 3: Drink a 3rd liter of apple juice. Eat normally

Day 4: Do not take any sold food after lunch time

  • 6pm - Take one level tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water

  • 8pm - Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. You may find that you already have to take a trip to the toilet before the 8pm Epsom salt.

  • 10pm - Mix one half glass of olive oil and three quarter glass of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice by shaking it very well in a jar with a lid so that it mixes well and immediately get into bed after drinking the mixture. You will probably make more than one trip to the toilet during the night as well as during the next day.

Day 5:

  • 6am: Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water

  • 8am: Take one final tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water.

You will find that many gallstones from the liver will be passed and one will notice them in the toilet. They will vary in size from about pin head size to 10mm. Gallstones in the liver are a major cause of many health problems.

The above liver cleanse can  be repeated every month until one finds that for two months in succession no more gallstones are passed. The liver will then be clean.

(You can read about this in much more detail in Andreas Moritz's book ' "The liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse" which you can download from his site at

To protect and regenerate an impaired or damaged liver, I recommend:

  • Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Selenium
  • Turmeric
  • Coconut Oil
  • Beet Juice

and, in the event of cancer or hep-C:

That should take care of that "busted liver".  For your digestive problems you may also wish to consider digestive enzymes, probiotics and Bromelain.




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