I'll probably regret sticking my nose in here, but what the hell...!
Listen guys, I've been MCing and browsing CureZone for quite a few years now and you two are hands down my favorite resources to get good information. So please know that I have mad respect for you both. Ok, that said, I think this "debate" is an embarrassment! Pepe, I have always appreciated your "aggressive" responses to those that have it coming (and certainly there are plenty that do). And I even respect that you say what you say without
Sugar coating it or apologizing. But in this case, I really thing you should rethink your response. IMHO it was a huge turn-off and seriously out of line. And Detour, maybe you should consider not calling him a moderator or accusing him of deleting posts if you aren't sure of it. And even if you are sure...a discussion about bile production isn't the place to bring that up. Both of you looked really foolish in this thread ~ maybe one more than the other...Pepe, that would be you :-) ~ but both nonetheless.
Now can you guys do me a favor? Kiss and make up. I'd really hate to think my favorite resources are a couple of teen-agers in a pissing contest.
Thanks in advance!