UNfocken believable! you start out with insinuations and the bruhaha then next you again come in with insinuations about the forum and things you have no clue about and now you wanna play the good doobie widdle victim. Puleezz this is nauseating...........
There is absolutely no hate or any of what you are spindoctoring here yet again. I was the one that I told you loooong ago after you started in with your insinuations etc to move the fock on and you continued with more insinuations outright lies and personal attacks loooong after I pointed out some discrepancies in one of your posts. You are still continuing on as evident from your very post here using me and something I said as you platform for dispelling myths etc.
While to the casual observer it will sound like I'm going overboard they don't know the history or follow the development of this event. The difference here is I' just go at it straight no chaser while your way is to do all these nasty little jabs in a cowardly slimy way.
I'll say it again if it would have been and altruistic endeavor as you as so desperately claiming you would have just presented your views and nothing more than a discussion would have ensued but after my long standing admonitions to you from waaaay back to move on you come back here jumping of a very simple statement I made with all your conjectures and spin doctoring. If it quack like a duck I call it a duck.
I stand my ground firmly and apologize for nothing I've said. If you wanna cower off with your predictable attempt at sucking up with this pseudo political correctness so be it.
Do take the advice I gave you a loong time ago and do move on...............and do it like a real man on the merit of your word ..................