All kinds of good info for ya! Re: WOOHOO! Me too!! (and many others) Re: To my surprise, the floodgates opened this morning. Stones were everywhere!
When it comes to chelating/detoxing metals, the sky's the limit for possibilities for symptoms and possible protocols.
What I know for SURE...that ANYTIME you assist an organ of elimination to be cleaner, more effective, and MORE NOURISHED (by blood that's full of vital nutrition & oxygen), then that organ can function to detox 'backlog' much more effectively AND it will do it very thoroughly in it's own way and own timing (which is always safest when dealing with heavy metals).
Also, if one takes
Bentonite clay or activated charcoal regularly/internally, it WILL absorb/adsorb virtually all incoming toxins/poisons, giving even MORE power and energy for the organs of elimination to work! Absorb = like a sponge aDsorb = draw it itself like a magnet. And either of these substance WILL draw toxins (and heavy metals!) to themselves SO strongly that metals & poisons will go right through the skin (or intestinal lining), out of the bloodstream, and be washed down the toilet (or off the skin).
Activated Charcoal is best/most effective taken in 'slurries' (mixed with juice). It has absolutely no taste, so when drinking it the taste is just like the juice (only a bit grittier).
Here's a great group of links on activated charcoal:
(it's so good at adsorbing toxins and taking the burden off our organs of elimination, it's cured cancer 'singlehandedly' (well, actually the body did the 'curing', the charcoal just enabled the body to have a chance to work right).
(the cheapest online I've found)
Activated Charcoal Powder
Here's a tip for the odor. Mix
Bentonite clay with distilled water until you get mud, then slather it all over your head, wrap it in a towel, and sleep on it. Wash your hair the next morning as normal (unless you have a septic tank - NEVER put
Bentonite clay down a septic tank - major clogging can occur). If you have a septic tank then hose it off outside (or dunk your head in a big pan of warm water inside, and then dump the water outside). I'm virtually positive you'll get some major relief very quickly (not to mention, pulling more metal/toxins out of your brain - yay!)
Dr. Schulze did clay packs to the head (mixed with herbs or not) for all of his brain cancer patients (and castor oil packs, too).
So, in light of that, I think
coffee enemas would be very effective for reducing the symptoms AND helping the body to rid itself of metals AND since CE's also eliminate the free radicals for the amount of time they're retained (AND since mercury in the body creates extremely wicked free radicals), then, not only is that the reason you feel SO much better after a coffee enema, but they're also improving the quality/purity of your blood every time you do one!
'Sorry I didn't get back to you faster, CZ stopped sending emails and I didn't know you'd replied. :::grin::: now you have a good reason to 'get young' and go play in the mud! :o)
Blessings -