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Re: Answer to Please let us all know how it comes out!
Will_I_Ever_Learn Views: 14,172
Published: 17 y
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Re: Answer to Please let us all know how it comes out!

I guess I will if I am persistent in my research and actions, and I won't if otherwise. But I feel that I have learned so much by reading posts from this site that I will continue reading from the forum everyday. It also helps in reinforcing oneself to stay in the good direction. Like a mentra: I must alkalize, I must alkalize ...

I am new at participating at a forum. Do people post a new thread just to inform others of their progress?

But, as I mentioned in prior posts, since I embarked seriously in the pH balance journey, I have seen improvements in many areas, physically and mentally/emotionally. I guess I was both physically and mentally acidic. As I am physically less acidic (but there's really a long way to get rid of all the stored acid in me) I feel that I am also less acidic mentally as I have better attitudes. It seems that I need less sleep. I also tolerate better hot weather. My body is perfectly adapted to cold weather, but humid and warm weather is less enjoyable. For the last few days I could do more walking, and I really need the activity. Before I would have to be careful not to strain too much my knees and ankles. I am far from being in shape, but yet I feel as I haven't felt for quite awhile.

I tried to talk about pH balance with some colleagues at work, but really, people are not interested, and if their doctors never even remotely mentioned anything about pH balance, how good should it be anyway? why care? And besides, until your health is challenged, would we all really care? We must ask ourselves, why am I here in this forum? Is it because that I am healthy? Is it because that I am happy with myself? Full of energy? Top shape? To ask the question is to answer it. I would bet big money that If I were in good shape I would not have cared much about this forum. We must consider ourselves lucky that we are in an era where the technology allows such a forum. And lucky that we have someone who wants to share freely his knowledge.

So that all folks for now. Cheers




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