Can Ireland sustain its Celtic Tiger economy? - November 13, 2006
BIRTHRATE 14.5 births per 1000. FERTILITY RATE 1.86 children. LIFE EXPECTANCY 77.7 years ... The Irish now wonder how long their tiger can survive. ...
money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2006/11/13/8393173/index.htm - 49k -
And unlike their parents, who supported a total of 12 children, the McGrorys, with just two sons, were in line with Ireland's new demographics.
Something similar is at work in the USA. Our most liberal state, Vermont (which is represented in Congress by Socialist Bernie Sanders), has the lowest birthrate at only 1.57 babies per woman. In contrast, our most socially conservative state, Mormon-dominated Utah, has the highest fertility at 2.71. That's 73% more babies per woman. At this rate, if Utah and Vermont had equal populations today and there was no migration in or out of either state,
in two generations there would be THREE TIMES more children in Utah than in Vermont.
In 1900, when the U.S. population was 76 million, there were an estimated 500,000 Hispanics.[11]
Thusly since 1900 the HIspanic population has increased at the rate of 50 times the rest of the population.
Illegal Immigration: A Rich American’s Game
RCP-There’s a popular game in America that goes, I’ll cut your wages, but you don’t cut mine. And the outsourcing of your factory job to China is a good thing, because it makes my paycheck go further at Wal-Mart. We hear this theme a lot in the debate over illegal immigration.
Suggest a U.S. labor policy that depresses professional pay as a means of keeping prices in check, and you get laughed out of the room. But say that sitting on the wages of unskilled factory workers stems inflationary pressure — a frequently made argument — and the PhDs quietly nod in agreement.
And that’s how the game is played. High pay for me. Low pay for you. The folks at the economic bottom are obviously not making the rules