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bone density
miss helfinger Views: 2,407
Published: 16 y
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bone density

Thank you for that Wombat. I've suspected that other races weren't as focused on density as we are. I'm really petite and I've had several doctors tell me I'm at horrible risk for osteoporosis because I don't have far to go.

All that ever came to my mind was tiny indigenous people or small Asian/Islander women...what are they all walking about with osteoporosis and don't know it? I doubt it.

And I agree, I think of Glaxony as the gypsy love Goddess. I know it sounds a little far fetched - but I've been itching to ask you, Glaxony - if you've thought about seeing a Shaman. I did A LOT of soul retrievals and my health got monstrously better. It sounds woo-woo - but if you're fragmented - all of you isn't present to heal the rest of you. Being a fan of the Tantric arts - I kinda figured you had seen a Shaman. If not - I know of a few excellent practitioners around Austin. Check out Sandra Ingerman's book on Soul Retrievals - very interesting stuff.

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