I can’t remember what book it was on controlling heart diseases, I did read about diet, fast and bowel cleansing to control blood pressure. I also remember the recommendation on taking frequent coffee enemas.
My own experience has shown me that coffee enemas are really quite ineffectual in controlling blood pressure. First and foremost is ones diet. It has to be “friendly” towards one’s heart and arteries. Second cholesterol needs to be kept down. I have not managed to avoid completely all heart medication but have a dramatically reduced dosage, really low dosage.
At present my blood pressure is 108/58. I eat very little red meat but do consume a lot of vegetables, mainly steamed with a fair amount of salmon, ahi tuna and some sardines. I go on a weekly 1 day juice fast with complete bowel cleanse. I also go on a 3 to 5 day fast with garlic enemas followed by coffee enemas. This seems to control my cholesterol and blood pressure very effectively. I have not taken any diabetic drugs for over 2 years since my blood sugar is under excellent control. My Doctor, an MD, is quite pleased with the results of my “way of life”.
At present I have become “gluten” sensitive and it is causing considerable upheaval in my diet. Trying to avoid gluten is a challenge.
By the way I have read Dr. Sherry Rogers book “Detoxify or Die” and can recommend her daily mixture of various supplements and coffee enemas. I am amazed at the results over time.
I hope that this gives you some hope in reducing your medications and feeling healthier.