If you have an irritated stomach lining, you may want to check out this video blog. It is by a 33 year old male with lyme disease, who is currently at Day 40 of his Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol. He is now taking 15 drops twice a day, but is also doing lots of other things to support his body (probiotics, herbal supplements to ease stomach). He can be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/theincrediblejy
So far, his lyme symptoms have really been pronounced, increasing by 30 to 50% more than what they were before he started Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , but he believes it is the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement flushing them out of his body, and intends to stick with it for several months. He has a very articulate video - we've watched them right from the start. Hope this info helps...