Lets be doctors for once! War-against-BO|BB
I dont know how to put this, but its time we really get into collaborative self-diagnosis to see any possibilities for finding the perfect cure. Its good to see fellow members pour out their feelings and expressing their state-of-mind on this disorder. But instead of having sympathy for each other, lets work out among ourselves what are the do's and donts. We all by now know what causes the BO/BB but arent sure if we're TMAU positive or not. Irrespective of that, i know my BB/BO smells like feces or in other words garbage dump.
Lets put forward our statistics and see if there are similar routines followed by other members or not. The benefits of this group study might yield to a good study. One thing is for certain, we wouldnt be able to completely rid off our bodies from this disorder. But if we could get a program to follow that would reduce the odor by atleast 50% then we might override it completely in few years.
Here are my statistics:
22yrs, 70kg, skinny-built, non-alcoholic/non-smoker
- 1hour daily + 10mins sauna
- Acidophilus x 2 daily
- 100mg Copper chlorophyllin x 4 daily
- 50mg Zinc x 1 daily (alternate days or occassionally)
- Milk thistle x 1 (once every few days)
- Brushing with baking soda in the morning
- Rubbing white or apple vinegar on underarms and neck at times.
- Bathing in
Epsom Salts once a week