Day 4
Took the recommended 1t Liver Tonic and 1t Anti-Infection Tonic before going to bed.
Clock was set for 6am but I was up long before that.
My usual trot to the pot.
Bowels much looser this morning, but nothing that I'd call liquid BM. First BM very small in comparison to normal. Had to GO 4 times before I left the house at 7:10, all small, just that gotta GO thing.
Charlie wants to know about fatigue factor because of the anti-infection. It's really an unfair analysis of this formula from me right now. I've been home for 5 1/2 months, going back to be for an hour or 2 when I wanted to, taking naps when I wanted to, cutting grass or climbing ladder to windown when I wanted to. Now I have to be up and getting alter before 6am and sitting in brain-strain classes learning a totally new job everyday. Of course I'm tired.
I was still going to the bathroom last night at bedtime with those small BMs. Must have been a total of 8-9 throughout the day!
The pressure build up in my liver that lead me to flushing each 3 weeks is gone with using the tonic.
Charlie will be gone and I wish he wouldn't be with my bowels messing up like this, but it's necessary.