This is exactly what happened to me, except I wasn't smart enough to realize that it was tied to the time of my period untill it happened 6 or 7 times... my husband had to point it out to me. For me, it got worse each month, and the "period" got longer to the point that I only felt normal for about a week each month. I always felt pregnant- tired, mood swings, morning sickness feeling, constant bloated belly, I looked 5 months pregnant. That stuff went away pretty quickly when I had it removed. The anxiety still comes around ovulation and period, but nothing like when I had it in. Almost everyone on this forum (keep in mind, we are onlyhere becuase we had problems, so it is not the general mirena population) started out with a few mild symptoms that eventually get worse, so I would get it out while its still not that bad. The symptoms will go away, trust me. I now realize that we have periods for a reason, and I'm not messing with mine anymore! No more fake hormones for me