I don't know how many of you live in a country that is an "aid recipient". I live in The Republic of Moldova, it is the poorest, most densely populated of the former Soviet Republics. Prior to living here I had no idea what an "NGO" was or how they are funded and operate. From my standpoint as an American, I have told every one of my friends and anyone else in the states who would listen how corrupt and wasteful the "system" is. We might as well be throwing money down a black hole. I have talked to enough people here who are associated with NGO's and who have done "tours" in Africa to know the situation there is even worse. Only a very Tiny percentage of the aid money ever gets to the people it is intended for. I have no doubt that any program such as what Humble was doing would have zero chance of getting any publicity or acknowledgement. The Malaria/Aids things going on in Africa is a multi-billion dollar windfall for a lot of people who could care less about the outcome as long as the money winds up in THEIR pocket. Humble and a simple cure like Miracle-Mineral-Supplement would be a direct threat to that and would disappear into the jungle and never be seen or heard from again. I am guessing there are a lot of people there who are just plain scared to talk out of fear for their lives.