Well I hate to inform you that unlike you my Toxicologist friend is not in the business of selling Sodium Chlorite and neither am I. I guess also you are not much of a chemist if you say the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement at the dosages recommended is "HIGHLY TOXIC".. Where are all the dead people who have been taking it at those levels for so long?? They should be dying off like flies by now..if its so Toxic! I will give you one thing... I do think Humble gets a bit overexcited...but as far as acidified sodium chlorite ingested as he recommends, it is apparantly only "HIGHLY TOXIC" in your little pea brain. I normally do not descend to such a level but since you did refer to me as a half wit I thought it to be appropriate. I suggest you order yourself a new "Gilbert Chemistry Set" and start over since that is about the level you are at in this conversation.