Re: YOu got some splainin to do?
How you vote for Ron Paul even if he won't run as an independent is, come voting day in November, you pull out a writing-utensil approved by your state in question, and you legibly print the name "Ron Paul". Don't quote me, i've never actually seen the voting system up close and in person, and the e-version no doubt adds some unnecessary complexity to this simple concept, but I believe this has traditionally been referred to as "write in vote". At least in principle of theory, write-in-vote, to me, seems to be measure .... a check if you will as in "check & balance", that has preserved a way for the harried voter to say "screw what the media has been beating me over the head with every damn day for the past 4 years, screw the brainwashed notion that 'i'm throwing my vote away', screw who is or isn't ordained by this system, screw who is supposedly nominated and or allowed into the bleepin convention, or not, screw all of that, screw all of them, and I don't give a flying fig who my spouse says or college-educated child advises I really aughta vote for, and could not care less what my pastor, priest, scribe, bookie or $25 dollar an hour clairvoyant advises, I'm sticking to well-founded principles here, despite all of THAT I'm standing firm on who I want to be president even though who I want to be president does not stand a snowflake's chance in Hades!.
That might be the gist of what you are missing here.