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Re: Has John McCain Doomed Himself With His Own Words?
turiya Views: 1,416
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Re: Has John McCain Doomed Himself With His Own Words?

How people are affected by one another is truly a mysterious process. Sometimes thoughts are transmitted without a word being said...

I remember when my spouse and I were having a breakfast outside on our patio one morning. As I stepped outside the door, I thought to myself, "Gee, I should bring out some peanuts later so the chipmunks can have something to eat too." Then I sat down and started to eat what was on my plate. My partner got up and went inside for something, while she was inside the house I had another notion come to me which was: "Boy it'd be nice to have some of that fig jam that I bought yesterday to go on my toast." My partner then returned and set a jar of peanuts on the table and then went back inside as if she forgot something. I thought, "Now that is a nice coincidence." Then she returned and placed the jar of fig jam on the table next to the peanuts...

I am not very good at making an argument as many may have seen here on this board. I also think that attempting to persuade others through argument is the nuts and bolts way of making change in the outer world. I feel significant change can happen in ways that cannot be fully understood by logic or reason. There is a way of instituting change, affecting others without the need of being outwardly aggressive, persuasive or imposing onto others that live within the same social/political setting and system. Because it is a natural reaction when one tries to impose their will on others it is usually met with resistance. Real change, significant change, change that is profound happens within oneself. It grows from within... not imposed from without.

The last time I voted for a president it was for McGovern. Since then I have always felt "why should I vote for one idiot over another idiot? None of these politicians ever talks about the real issues that are of any real concern. They keep on talking with regards to the misinformation that has been continually fed to the american public over the course of many many decades." Hence, they keep on supporting and being responsible for the continued misinformation that is imposed on Americans at large.

This has been the most important election years ever, imo. It has been the most exciting election year for me in particular, as I have never sent a contribution to any candidate ever before - until this year. This year I have found a candidate that has finally come onto the scene that I consider is not just another idiot... I am glad to see that Ron Paul is no idiot!

People say to me, "Sure, its great that you have found someone to support but when you cast your vote please give it to Obama because Ron Paul has no chance of winning. And just look what happened to Al Gore when Ralf Nader took away his votes... We ended up with George Bush! You cannot waste your vote."

I have to say that I feel that I cannot buy into such logistics or to make such a compromise with myself. I cannot be one of the people that vote for the second place candidate (according to me). Voting for Obama when Ron Paul is there would not mean a vote for change. It would be a vote for keeping things the same, to prolong the downward spiral of this democracy into the dismal abyss. It would be a vote in favor of the ways that the media has been continuously controlling the information flow... and the misinformation flow. It would be a vote in favor of keeping the international banking cartel in control of the economy of this nation, in controlling this nation's currency. It would be a vote in favor of this government continuing to violate the Constitutional rights of its citizens. It would be voting for the continued exploitation of the working middle class of this country under the guise of a so-called income tax that is stealing money with its present misapplication. It would be a vote for the ever on-going war mongering of this nation... it would be a vote for this government to continue be the policeman of the world. It would be voting for the very things that had dissuaded me from voting before. Up until now I have refused to support this crookedly run government, the courts and judges that have help to put this democracy as if it were standing on its head. I can not advocate to others what they should be doing. I can only say that if enough people refuse to support this government, then things will change. It is not dependent on some politician to come along and do it for us. It is up to each one of us to decide for ourselves.

If it means that McCain gets elected, then that is a choice that the misinformed America will make (because there are so many). Not much I can do about that. If America (as a collective) makes its choice as such, then so be it... The lessons will be learned down the road later for these ignorant masses. I will know in my own heart that I voted for the only man on the scene that is not just another idiot. If America under Republican rule... or Board of Governor rule... or Corporate rule, or military and police etc., turns more tyrannical then it will bring on a second American revolution that much sooner. More proof that no revolution ever really succeeds, the revolutionaries end up being the despots later on down the road in history...




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