You are one of the most conventionally gorgeous men I've seen! I bet you'd win the Curezone beauty contest!
Very impressive stuff. Beauty is indeed not skin deep LOL!
I'm going through an intense mid-life crisis. I'm about to turn 52. Been cleansing now for 3 years, and I have to say I look better now than I did at 42.
I tried being a vegetarian and every thing went off kilter. I tried it for about 8 months, so i gave it a good try. My hair and skin got really dry, I felt somewhat weak all the time. I tried and tried. And the worst part is I gained weight. My body reacts big time to carbs....alas. I went back to animal proteins.
I think raw is very dependent on body types. Do you agree? My body takes all carbs (veggie and fruit) and goes straight to my waistline.
The only think I've found that really helped topically were two things. Green Cream with retinol. It's seriously the only thing that has made a big difference in my skin texture and wrinkles. I noticed it in one week. The other is Jojoba oil, with a bit of Helichrysum and Patchouli thrown in. I use the same mix at night with Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil. I look like an orange smurf!
I also noticed a huge difference upping my raw Kale and Chard. I eat this stuff on a daily basis now. Kale is a huge anti-inflammatory. At my age, it's all about inflammation!!
You look fabulous darling. Good for you.