Re: Love- The great tuning fork from above but a deep down sound...on sacred ground
The fact that we're discussing this awesome topic is the reason why we came to earth. We left our glorious homes behind.
In other words, we're taking a vacation from heaven to refine and grow more into His image and spiritual design for each of us...made in Daddy's likeness and image. lol
The plurality of God may be perhaps, His character broken down. Light acts like particles—little light bullets—that stream from the source. This explains how shadows work.
Light also acts like waves—ripples in space—instead of bullets. This explains how rainbows work. In fact, light is both. This "wave-particle duality" is one of the most confusing—and wonderful—principles of physics. So there is a duality or multiplicity or plurality of the same Power expressing itself for different purposes yet it all comes from the same Source, God Himself!
I definitely believe there is the 3 in ONE behind everything; however, they have appointed, anointed help which is the whole reason for Creation. He could share His beauty and glory with us.
If you listen to Gene Scott, one of the most brilliant, funny & crazy Christian Pastors, he's the only one on earth who has ever discussed the earth being a recreation or a second facelift. The guy was profound. He recently died but his teaching is still on the web. Two creations? Why not? Authors? The same.
Keep the faith! :)