Re: Love- The great tuning fork from above but a deep down sound...on sacred ground
I've never heard of the Hidden King James Bible. That's interesting though. So you're saying there were 7 male or female "Gods" that interacted on Earth and 7 male "Gods" that stayed in Heaven or not on Earth? I believe people in the Old Testament were having trouble converting from their pagan roots, so there was a evolution of God in the Bible. Also have you heard of Planet X and if you have, do you think that's a possibiility?
I agree that any thoughts we have, we set into motion like Jesus taught, but I still don't consider that prayer. I think it's more like manifestation. Prayer is more like talking to the original manifester.
Yeah I had Christianity pounded into me till I was thirteen. Then drifted away, but always had that seed still in me, so it was good in the end. Now I consider myself a Christian, Taoist, Urantian and like you said, keep the basic teachings of Jesus in my heart. (not the churches version) I'll check out the Red Letter Evangelicals. (never heard of them either)