Re: Day 13 stomach side hurting, candida gone,
YES It is very empowering! I have lived with this on and off for too long, doctors were just useless in this issue. And I realized how many people this effects!
Since I spoke out about the candida about a year ago, as I did not realize I had this till then, So many of my friends, cousins, and their friends also, are taking their own action to fight this. And I have mentioned the fast to a couple of people but Bling you are right, this is one thing that really is not easy to talk about. I did not recieve very positive responses. Despite peoples respect and trust for me, the reactions were very concerned, and even defensive for some reason!
So I told two people and I will not tell anyone else. Yes I have truly been on my own, I am so grateful for this forum. I really wish there were more people i c ould talk to about Candida and fasting, and get more follow up information. I have a very
healthy Diet to begin with, and now I have been researching more about vegan cooking with out gluten. And who knows where this will go from here.
I should really move to the states, like California eh?!
They are a little more ahead on these things I think sometimes!